"Striving 4 Excellence in Youth Sports"
Kids 4 Golf is pleased to announce that we have been working with Tara Fox the Director of Instruction with the Johnny Miller Golf Academy @ Silverado Resort & Spa and her team to expand youth golf in Napa and the surrounding area. They are beginning their Junior Golf Academy and are allowing us to inform the Kids 4 Golf participants that you too can attend the Junior Golf Academy. This program is separate from the Kids 4 Golf Academy and you must sign up through Silverado Resort & Spa. Please see the information below and contact Tara directly with any questions. Her email is at the bottom of the page.
Junior Golf Academy will be similar to last year, except, on Thursdays we will have both boys and girls from 3:30 to 5:00.
Girls Academy will still take place on Tuesdays 3:30-5:00, but girls may also come on Thursdays from 3:30-5:00.
The Players Academy will have an official instruction day on Wednesday from 4:15 until 5:30 after the Little Novices. Players Academy is welcome Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday but the official Instruction day will be on Wednesday.
Little Novice golf class (ages 4-6) will be on Wednesday 3:30-4:15.
Applications must be submitted, and accepted by our instructional team, prior to Academy start. Please take a good look at the new Code of Conduct before admission. It has changed and we are going to be very strict on our policies this year. We are fortunate to have a popular program and we are dedicated to creating a safe and effective learning environment for all our junior golfers.
New for 2019:
Youth Golf Tour offered by Kids 4 Golf
We have a great opportunity for our Academy juniors that are interested in playing summer tournaments that don’t yet play in the JGANC events. Kids 4 Golf is holding their 3rd annual Youth Golf Tour. This is a local tournament series that will begin in mid-April and conclude in early August. The Youth Tour has expanded to eight events. The tournaments will be held at a different courses around the Napa/Solano area. The Tour Championship will be held at Silverado Resort. Academy juniors are encouraged to play in these events.
Special pricing is $249 for all eight (8) events, including the Tour Championship (must qualify for championship invite). You can sign up on the Silverado Academy Application (there is a box that can be checked at the bottom) or through Kids 4 Golf directly at www.pa4ys.org.
This will not interfere with PGA Junior Golf League Summer matches. Academy juniors are welcome to participate in both PGA Junior League and Kids 4 Golf Tournaments.
Johnny Miller Junior Golf Academy Applications available for advanced juniors 13 years and older - Email Tara directly to request an interview and application. Her email is: tfox@troon.com